Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Point of conflict!!!

Here's a watercolor I did of the master strangling the boy. I thought it would be dramatic. I guess this is something of a precursor to the upcoming "cast design" posting. At least I have 2 of the characters in here. So far, I favor Simini's design of the "wounded tiger" master (I'm using too many quote markers...) and Jake's original design of the boy remains popular. I don't know how simplified this should be. Obviously the concept art will most likely remain more detailed than the finalized animatable designs we decide on. I hope to simplify and modify these designs & post something later with everyone in an animatable fashion. Could someone post a list of exactly who everyone in the cast is? I can think of the boy, the master, mom, dad, the water spirit... who else? Let me know what you think of this design so I can have direction as to how I should tweak this for later posts.


llharris said...

the master seems to be enjoying fits

JAKE WYATT said...

I like the boy especially, it's much more visually interesting than the base design I put up a year ago or whatever. I think that the Master would lose some of his rear-admiral look if we draped him more, y'know? He has this master-and-commander thing going on with the wardrobe, and I feel like looser, robes-ier clothing would help.

That said... I wish I could be you sometime or another. We should plan that out. Pick a day. I could get a little painting done and have incredible style. Just for an afternoon or something.

Y'know. It's casual.

action007 said...

I think this picture is going definitely in the right direction, but I want him to have more anger. LOTS more anger and coldness to him. I think the smile makes me want to warm up to the master more than I would like.

Anthony Holden said...

So, more robes are good or bad? Mee no understand Eenglish so good.

Anthony Holden said...

Oh, by the way, what are you doing next Thursday, Jake? We could be each other for a day--that is, if you're not too busy...

JAKE WYATT said...

Thursday is no good; I need to be me for some photos and wedding business. Anytime after August 5th is great, though. With respect to robes: more, longer, looser. Sorry about my engrish. It... it sucks. I know.