Wednesday, July 11, 2007

No longer yelling...

Some more mother drawings...

I did these after seeing Jake's silhouette of the mother. I wanted to make her very fragile looking, and much heavier at the bottom, sort dripping, like she's wasting away from sadness. Kind of a lille extreme... but I liked the mood. looking at the screen now though she looks kind of evil... hmmm...

Yes, so, ignore the one were it looks like she's vomiting... I was trying to draw her with her ands over her mouth in shock, but, umm, failed. I like the one in the middle probably the best.


llharris said...

I like this alot, the thinner looooong mothers are my favorite

JAKE WYATT said...

My favorite (like levi) is the thin, long mother, bottom pages, left page, furthest right. ALL of them have a REALLY NICE flow and sense of movement.

i'm eric armstrong said...

that's bangin' - i like the middle one on the bottom page: and i did the outfit on the top right one... very elegant.

action007 said...

Uau very good. I like the look of a weak-looking mother.

Rachel J said...

I do like thinner better, even though she no longer looks Chinese and instead looks Japanese. But if they can do it on Memiors of a Geisha we can pull it on this.